Now, application route via recruiters is closed. Please contact us directly through the link described in Job descriptions
創薬研究職(バイオロジー 主席研究員)/ Biology, Principal Scientist
We are searching for a Principal Scientist to join the Biology group within the Research organization. We are seeking an enthusiastic, highly motivated scientist to lead for expanding pipelines of early clinical development molecules and our platform technology. The successful applicant should be capable not only of advancing programs from target validation to screening/hit finding/lead optimization and preclinical development, but also of progressing internal platform from biological point of view. In addition, the successful applicant should manage biology members, external Academic/Industrial collaborators, and CRO activities. Strong biology experience ideally oncology research area is required for this position.
勤務地/Location:神奈川県藤沢市村岡東2丁目26番地の1 湘南ヘルスイノベーションパーク内 / 26-1, Muraoka-Higashi 2-Chome, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0012, Japan
雇用形態/Worker Type:正社員(期間の定めなし)/ WORKER TYPE:Employee,WORKER SUB-TYPE:Regular
勤務形態/Time Type:フレックスタイム制 / Full time by flexible working hours
創薬研究職(ケミストリー、主席研究員)/ Principal Scientist, Chemistry
We are searching for a Principal Scientist to join the Chemistry group within the Research organization. We are seeking an enthusiastic, highly motivated scientist to lead for expanding our platform technology and pipeline of early clinical development molecules. The successful applicant should be capable not only of design and synthesis of bioactive molecules, but also manage chemistry members including external CROs. Strong medicinal chemistry experience ideally oncology research area is required for this position.
勤務地/Location:神奈川県藤沢市村岡東2丁目26番地の1 湘南ヘルスイノベーションパーク内 / 26-1, Muraoka-Higashi 2-Chome, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0012, Japan
雇用形態/Worker Type:正社員(期間の定めなし)/ WORKER TYPE:Employee,WORKER SUB-TYPE:Regular
勤務形態/Time Type:フルタイム勤務(就業時間:9:00~18:00を基本とする裁量労働制) / Full time by discretionary labor system
コーポレートディベロップメントCorporate Development
現在募集はしていません。/Not currently recruiting.
現在募集はしていません。/Not currently recruiting.
ビジネスディベロップメントBusiness Development
現在募集はしていません。/Not currently recruiting.